New Shop Name Coming Soon!

Heads up! Greetings by Jenny will soon be Black Cat Bazaar.
Within the next few weeks, I will be overhauling my shop! I'm so excited to rebrand & refresh my shop look, feel & products!
Wondering why the new name? I've fielded some common questions while telling people of the name change and so I've created a little FAQ below! :)
Question: Why are you renaming your shop? You've been Greetings by Jenny for almost 3 years!
Answer: I don't think the name "Greetings by Jenny" does my shop justice anymore. When I originally started this business, I was only making greeting cards. Since then, my shop has grown to include wall art, stickers, apparel, gifts, accessories, and more! I need a name that doesn't feel like it's holding me back.
Question: Are you releasing any new products with the new shop name?
Answer: Probably! I am creating new products literally all the time, so I am sure over the next few weeks, I will come up with something special for the rebrand.
Question: Why Black Cat Bazaar?
Answer: I happen to love alliterations, and I adore my black cat, Pepper. When thinking about a new shop name, I wanted something edgy, creative, and a name that allows me to grow into a well-rounded gift shop. Also, I wanted something that left room for bright colors and a recognizable logo.
Question: Don't you have 2 cats? Why did you pick a favorite?
Answer: I do have 2 cats, Pepper (the black one) and Torti (the tortoiseshell cat). The name came to mind while I was snuggling with Pepper and it just kinda stuck. See cat tax below:
Question: Ok, so a new shop name, cool! What's next?
Answer: I am planning on opening a retail storefront! When that will happen, I can't be sure. Where it'll be, I can't be sure of that either. But, it will happen! Hopefully, it'll happen sooner than later!
Question: Wow! A retail storefront! Do you have enough to fill a shop?
Answer: I am exploding with creativity and ideas for new products and so yes, I plan on filling the shop with all of my products. Ideas include: tie-dye, alcohol ink, baby/kids clothes, hair accessories, candles, table decor, and more. My mind literally never stops thinking of what to make next.
Question: So a retail storefront named "Black Cat Bazaar"... will you have a black cat in your shop?
Answer: That's the plan!
Question: So with the new shop name, will I still be able to shop at
Answer: My new site will be under a different URL. When it launches, will automatically redirect to the new URL.
Question: Are you getting rid of all your greeting card designs?!
Answer: Absolutely not! Greeting cards are my passion project. I'll still have, and continue to make, a plethora of greeting cards for any and all occasions.
So, hopefully that explains the new shop name & my intentions behind the rebrand!
When the process is complete, Greetings by Jenny will be no-longer. Everything will be available, created by, and sold through Black Cat Bazaar. Like I mentioned above, after I rebrand my shop, if you go to, it'll redirect you to my new shop!
I'm apprehensive of losing customers over this... seeing as they'll be expecting my purple whale and polka dot "Greetings by Jenny" logo... but I'm hopeful the new shop name will open doors for me, and I'll no longer feel constricted by my business name.
Thanks for reading & stay tuned to my Instagram to follow the journey of rebranding!
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